
Samih T.
Veterinary Medicine Student
I have been using the Vivant SkinCare BP 10% Gel Medication on problem areas and I have noticed a drastic reduction in the breakouts that I get now that I use it. Consequently, with this product reducing my breakouts, I feel more confident with clearer skin. It also seems to be getting rid of small clogged pores and the oil build up I usually have. This is a great product for maintaining my skin’s clear, vibrant appearance.

Rebecca S.
Full time mom and Senior Project Manager Pharmaceutical Research and Development.
I have been an avid follower of the Acne Stop procedure for nearly 15 years and have enjoyed clear skin since. Even with a rare breakout I have the tools to contain and quickly heal. Now as I have entered the next phase of my life - motherhood - I appreciate the simplicity of the process! Even with no makeup my skin has a fresh and healthy glow.

Mariam B.
Biotechnology Research & Aerial Acrobatics; trapeze, silks, rope, sling, and aerial hoop
I was having the worst acne flair ups I'd ever gotten all of sudden about 6 months ago. Never having major issues with my skin before, it was really upsetting and took a blow at my self confidence. After trying to do my own research, buying a bunch of products, and nothing was working, I went to seek out a professional's help. After I got my first facial at Advanced Skin Care Solutions, the acne on my face went away almost instantly. Now after switching over my entire skin care routine over to what was recommended to me my skin has completely transformed. I hardly ever even get a pimple anymore and my face feels more naturally smooth and glowing.
Ciara S.
Human Resources Clerk & Practicing Esthetician Small Business Owner
10% BP Gel from Vivant Skincare has been an active part of my skincare regimen for about twelve years now! Whether I am having an active breakout or not I use BP every night. I think that Mary’s tip to only use water and washcloth in the morning has really helped too.
Shysay J.
I love the Green Tea Moisturizer. It has been an amazing product for my skin. I also love the Hylunia purple Face wash. Without these products my skin would not look wonderful!
Sylvia R.
Dermatologists can’t even get me as clear as these products. I am thankful and grateful for these products.
Daryll H.
I use the Hylunia Facial Cleansing Gel, the Vivant Benzyoyl Perxoide, and the Green Tea Moisturizer. They, at Acne Stop’s suggestion, have changed my skin for the better. I break out less, my skin is smooth, and I hardly have any dark spots!
Lurina W.
I use the Hylunia Facial Cleansing Gel that I absolutely love. It deep cleanses my skin like no other .It makes my skin feel great and refreshed. In addition to the gel I’m using the Vivant BP 10% Benzoyl Peroxide which is BEST!! It lessens my breakouts and in my opinion cleared out the cystic acne that really made me upset. I’m back to growing a better love for my skin due to these products. I’m so grateful Mary decided to dedicate her life to helping others gain healthy skin.
Michelle G.
I started using the benzoyl peroxide and my skin has been the clearest it’s been in years. The benzoyl peroxide has changed my life and I'm finally confident in my skin again.
Linsey D.
When I first came to Advanced Skin Care 5 years ago my skin was chaotic. I used all the wrong products it seems. When I started using the Hylunia Cleanser it felt special and luxurious. This helped me want to use it. One of my challenges was with maintaining routine. I use it when I travel. I still have breakouts at 33 years old but this has helped a bit. Anyone with adult acne could agree-anything, any small improvement is worth it!
Julie H.
Hylunia Cleansing Gel is a dream product. It’s gentle enough to use daily but leaves my skin feeling really clean and never dry. It also smells and feels great!