Organic Green Tea Serum Moisturizer
2oz $28
The front of a bottle can pretty much say whatever they like because unfortunately the skin care industry is not regulated by the FDA or any other industry regulating agency.
It’s the ingredient list on the back that matters!
The ingredients are listed in order of weight and so the first ingredient is what there is the most of and the last ingredient is what there is very little of.
So let's break this down the Organic Green Tea Serum Moisturizer in order by each ingredient.
The first ingredient is Organic aloe leaf juice-
There are two parts to an aloe vera leaf: Gel and leaf juice (not to be confused with aloe juice in stores). The gel is what most people are familiar with. It’s the odorless and clear liquid at the innermost part of the leaf. Aloe juice seeps from the leaf when cut. It’s yellow in color and has a bitter taste.
Aloe vera is full of good stuff! 75 active components to be exact. The naturally-occurring vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the plant also include antiviral, antibacterial, anthraquinones, acemannan, fatty acids and even more.
Organic Fatty Alcohol-
There is reasonable confusion about the word alcohol when seen in skin care products. Fatty alcohols are actually beneficial for the skin providing hydration and emulsion. The alcohols you want to avoid on your skin are denatured.
Any alcohol that is denatured should be avoided in your skin care products. On an ingredient label denatured alcohol is usually listed as 'denatured alcohol', 'SD (specially denatured) alcohol', 'alcohol denatured' or 'alcohol dent'.
DMAE Bitartrate-
DMAE is an abbreviated term for an antioxidant membrane stabilizer called dimethylaminoethanol. DMAE helps to tighten skin and reduce sagging, improve firmness and elasticity, smooth lines and wrinkles and also brighten the skin.
DMAE may also have skin-calming effects. Even though ours is vegan it sill has a drawback in that it smells fishy! We have worked with the manufacturer to add lemongrass to counter this and we love the results!
Jojoba Oil-
Jojoba Oil is produced from the seed of the Jojoba plant, a shrubby tree that is native to southern Arizona and California. It likes hot, dry regions, and was used by the Native Americans for its many benefits.
Nutritious for Skin. Jojoba is full of nutrients like Vitamin E and B, as well as antioxidants and minerals like chromium, copper, and zinc, which all nourish and protect skin. Non-Acnegenic. Because Jojoba oil is very similar to human skin oils it will not promote acne or other skin problems. Jojoba also naturally deters microbes, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria on skin. Gentle & Non-Allergenic. Jojoba oil is recommended for people with sensitive skin (including psoriasis and eczema) because of its gentle nature. Applying Jojoba oil to compromised skin might help reduce flare-ups.
Emulsifying Wax-
The ability of emulsifying wax to bind oil and water in perfect union is unparalleled, and today it remains the most ubiquitous substance in a cosmetic manufacturers formulary. Emulsifying wax assists in improving the consistency and texture of final products without leaving a greasy film on the outer skin after application. It acts as a mild stabilizer and thickener.
Glycerin (aka, glycerin or glycerol) is a commonly used ingredient in many cosmetic and personal care skin care products. As a humectant, glycerin works to moisturize the skin by drawing water from the air into the skin's outer layer.
It also forms a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur compound that’s naturally derived during the earth’s rain cycle.
MSM is necessary for collagen production. Sagging skin and wrinkles, as well as dry, cracked skin are all developed through a loss of collagen. MSM works together with Vitamin C to build new, healthy tissues. MSM can normalize collagen formation and radically improve skin health.

Because of its high flavonoid content, rooibos is a powerful anti-aging ingredient for skin care formulas. Since much of skin aging is caused by environmental stressors, rooibos' abilities help to protect skin and maintain a more youthful look.
Rooibos is also known to be helpful for sensitive skin.
Hyaluronic Acid-
Everybody's favorite and for good reason! Our own skin cells actually produce Hyaluronic Acid naturally to maintain moisture levels. It is a humectant and so it works as a magnet for moisture, helping your cells retain as much as possible so that your skin feels and appears hydrated, plump and healthy.
Each molecule of hyaluronic acid can attract and hold about 2000 molecules of H2O!
Star of show Green Tea Extract-
Green Tea Extract is well known for its antioxidant, anti-carcinogen, anti-inflammatory, and anti-radiation benefits. It’s also known to help decrease wrinkles, reverse sun-damage, and help heal acne.
The polyphenols in green tea possess potent antioxidant and skin-soothing properties, and can help with the appearance of sun-damaged skin.
(Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are electrons that have broken off from an atom causing destruction and aging.)
White Tea Extract-
White tea and green tea come from from the Camellia sinensis plant. White tea leaves and buds are picked just before they are fully open, when they ae covered in fine white hairs.
White tea is loaded with a type of polyphenols called catechins. They are plant-based molecules that act as antioxidants. Studies show that white tea powder is very effective at reducing inflammation from free radicals in human skin cells.

Willow bark comes from the willow tree and contains salicylic acid, derived from salicin, which helps to fight acne and is an all natural, gentle exfoliant. White willow bark helps to exfoliate your skin by sloughing off dead skin cells, making way for fresh, bright and radiant skin.
Willow bark is also an effective botanical for cleansing by controlling sebum production and helping to unclog pores.
Vitamin E-
Vitamin E offers significant antioxidant properties to help defend from pollution and other environmental stressors that would otherwise weaken and cause unwanted changes in skin.
Certain forms of vitamin E also help soothe skin.
Sunflower Oil-
The sunflower was cultivated by American Indian tribes circa 3,000 B.C. Tribes used parts of the sunflower plant to help soothe snakebites and to condition the skin and hair. In this formula it is almost the last ingredient so there is very little of it providing just the right amount of lipids for acne prone skin.
Sunflower seed oil is a great source of vitamin E, rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and is effective for combating skincare issues like acne, inflammation, general redness and irritation of the skin.
Vitamin B3-
Vitamin B3, also known as nicotinic acid and niacinamide is a very effective skin-restoring ingredient that offers multiple benefits for skin.
Topical application of niacinamide has been shown to strengthen skin’s moisture barrier and reduce the appearance of discoloration and blotchiness.
Xanthan Gum-
Even in concentrations of less than one per cent, xanthan gum has the ability to notably increase the viscosity of liquids it is added to for optimal texture. Xanthan gum is found in food and in cosmetics.
Similarly, it has the ability to bind other skin ingredients together, as well as being used in oil-and-water emulsions to keep the two phases separate.
And last but certainly not least, Lemongrass Extract-
Lemongrass can help minimize the effects of a variety of skin conditions and inflammation because it contains limonene, a compound known to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.
Here’s a list of the many benefits lemongrass has on the skin:
- Strengthens skin cells and connective tissues
- Acts as a muscle and tissue toner
- Minimizes the appearance pores
- Helps eliminate oil production
- Firms skin
- Refreshes
- Helps skin infections
- Helps relive joint pain and sore muscles
- Calms skin
- Reduces pain
- Helps cure fungal and bacterial infections
- Used as a treatment for athlete’s foot
- Eliminates blackheads
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